
ERIC BASS: Das kommende „I Had A Name“-Album hat frische Töne entfesselt

Songwriter, Multiinstrumentalist und Produzent Eric Bass (Shinedown) hat die neue Single „Azalia“ veröffentlicht. Sie ist Teil seines kommenden Solodebütalbums I Had A Name. Fans können den Song jetzt streamen und hier das Musikvideo sehen.

“‘Azalia’ is one of the two main protagonists in our story,” erklärt Eric. “She is a former warrior monk who has thrown off her religion to become an assassin. Dedicating her life to the insurgency against the WAL and Legion, and to killing every official who had anything to do with her mother’s death.”

Er fügt hinzu: “In the song ‘Azalia’ we find her on the run for her life with the government’s demons close behind. She will have to rely on her tenacity in order to not give up, and on her natural abilities to survive. The keys to which are contained within a gift her mother gave her as a child. Eric Bass presents…Azalia.”

Fans können sich bald auf weitere Musik freuen, da Eric gerade das Release von „I Had A Name“ für 28. Februar vorbereitet. Das Album kann bereits vorbestellt werden: https://onerpm.link/IHadAName
Das Musikvideo zur vorgegangenen Single „Mind Control“ ist hier zu sehen: https://youtu.be/blP3TOLbL6c